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Customers can buy poppers and alternative items in shop, enabling you to power play in the bedroom and anywhere you choose. Items for sale include plugs, toys and guide books. Monster black anal plugs:

Large anal black plug for sale

Reduced prices of course on average 20 – 30 percent. Users will no doubt need some lubrication and we supply lubricants of various types, water and silicone based.

Why not try one of our small to medium dildo’s? These big boys are stronger and will slip in and out easily. Ergonomically designed to give ultimate pleasure. Use alone or perhaps combine with cock ring action followed by a prostate massager!

Dildo for Buy

Prostate Massage:

Tickle your fancy

Currently lower priced which of course allows alternate purchases. ( More spending Power )

Other items we have for sale include:

Alan beads, cock rings ( Individual / Multi packs ),condoms for safe sex again individual and packaged. Billy Boy Rush and Push brands to name a few.

Lastly as its approaching Easter how about the Japanese love egg toy

The Japanese “Love Egg”

A new hard boiled version used in masturbation. Gives a right now feel Tenga! Comes with a pouch of lube and easily popped in stretching to all sizes. Quickly or not bring yourself to climax in secret if need be. Right now on the spot, targeted pleasure.  🙂


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