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Continuing the sale we are offering a further 15% off across the board on everything until April 4th!

Happy Easter

Apply the code and get cheaper deals, simple. Chocolate Easter Bunnies and poppers plus a whole lot more! In shop we stock toys, garments, reading material and alternative life items for use in the bedroom and outside.

BDSM: Fetish wear collars gags and teasing toys. Get a super deal on the Sale, buy with confidence and the knowledge that your purchase will be shipped even in holiday time the same day as our shop is open 24hrs.

24 Hr Shipping

Knowing we are an online store lets the customer decide where when and how much to spend all from his or her own computer / online device. Bookmarking allows you to never loose what we think is the cheapest and most convenient, additionally having hopefully the largest, most diverse range of items online.

Instructions for the coupon can be found in store but its easy as just puuting everything in your basket and applying the code at checkout is what needs to be done. Normal online shopping with the “https” green padlock emblem associated with security and safety online.

Super Strong Poppers Pack

One for the die hard, the experts and that the super strong poppers pack:

1 X Rush Ultra.

1 X Jungle Juice.

1 X Amsterdam.

Great big pack of the mens and the boys favorite names 30 and 24 mls and now pick all three up with a 15% discount.

Happy Days 🙂

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