Black Poppers
New and exciting names come and go and some are here to stay. We feel the Amsterdam name is the latter having been on the scene for decades. Steadfast, established and well known for quality. Expanding now from strong to a new line namely ” Amsterdam Black”. Easy to spot and one that catches the eye. Already known in the market place and likewise having a powerful fan base following.

Online reviews are positive and the newbie to the shop will no doubt attract old and new buyers alike. Having an impact brand logo design and look about it.
Power and quick delivery with a long lasting effect are attributes that will always sell, under priced for marketing purposes with a long term amount aimed at the middle of the road. Sporting a new sealing cap designed not to explode leak or tarnish the surfaces due to liquid expansion in the heat. Lets hope other suppliers follow suit. At the time of writing 7.8 Euros is an excellent buy and choice built on established quality. Amsterdam BIG and general old stock now have a larger brother in black label. New fragrance plus square bottle set this apart from the rivals.
A big toy for big boys!