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Traditionally poppers come in brown and or discoloured bottles either of twenty or fifteen millimetre liquid capacities. Trend these days is for rectangular ones with advantages and disadvantages. More labelling power to the square type, plus a change is refreshing and new and what better way to distinguish your brand from the competitors. We also have larger ml bottles coming to the market place and combined with the new shape they do stand out on our poppers warehouse shop floor! Many are now the triple X and Extra Strong varieties. English Extra Strong for example. They have found a niche market within a niche market so hats off to them but the leading edge will soon be copied duplicated and a new branding idea will hit the shelves.The course of time has also seen a change in the science behind poppers and alongside progress we understand as a race what is good and for us and our bodies. No great secret that too much of something is normally bad. What has been learnt is that mixes of the nitrate and nitrite chemical families has lead to various blends of poppers being developed as what is allowed and not allowed is constantly emerging and subsequently changing. Hence we see new products with new formulae likewise trying to make their mark in the poppers world. What you can be assured of as the end consumer is variety and new exciting new comers. Promoted with all your favourite brands via combo deals super saver packs and bulk discount purchases.

Coloured Bottles

Coloured Bottles

We expect new colours to come to the fore soon. Coloured and perhaps even multi coloured bottles with perhaps a different coloured lid to set apart the brown or white which seems to have been the norm for decades. Perhaps also bottles with the brand name embedded into the glass itself like Coca Cola or Heineken to name some well known brands, perhaps some manufacturers will take a lead from the perfume suppliers renowned for their packaging ways and style in presentation. Perhaps combined with an atomiser perhaps? Let’s watch this space

Perhaps with Atomizer

Perhaps with Atomizer

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