Lady Poppers

One for the ladies, a “pink” aroma targeted at one of the very many alternative audiences of the world, proving there is something for everyone at the poppers warehouse store! This room odorise is priced to sell at under 8 Euros. Pleasant fragrance enhanced and a stand out outer packaging of the traditional poppers bottle brown by design. This popper would ideally suit those not requiring such a kick more a pleasant smell with a light headedness after bite! If […]

Square Bottles

Traditionally poppers come in brown and or discoloured bottles either of twenty or fifteen millimetre liquid capacities. Trend these days is for rectangular ones with advantages and disadvantages. More labelling power to the square type, plus a change is refreshing and new and what better way to distinguish your brand from the competitors. We also have larger ml bottles coming to the market place and combined with the new shape they do stand out on our poppers warehouse shop floor! […]

Shop For Poppers

Warehouse Open Online shopping is all the rage and no surprises there as super saving can be had! Cut down the cost to the end user and therefore cut down the sales prices. Not rocket science. We stock and keep on our shelves not only the quick turn round items but also the lesser ones to , ie the new comers to the market place. Keeping stock on the shelf is also not good business. What we aim to achieve […]